Computing Reviews

Make your own Scratch games!
Anthropy A., No Starch Press,San Francisco, CA,2019. 192 pp.Type:Book
Date Reviewed: 01/30/20

The beginner-friendly, block-based programming language Scratch, developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Media Lab, is introduced here. The author, Anna Anthropy, is an enthusiastic game designer. The book shows her enthusiasm with a very fun, colorful design. Expect the book to teach the history of game design, programming basics, and how to turn ideas into games.

There are six chapters. The first section starts with a history of games, including information about who makes them and how to start creating them with Scratch. Chapter 1, “Leaf Me Alone,” introducing Scratch basics, is an example of how the book’s chapters are named in a very creative way and sound very fun. Chapter 1 includes an easy example game about a leaf and a bug. Chapter 2 is a continuation of the game from chapter 1. Collecting and avoiding items are included in this game.

Chapter 3 introduces a character that can move. Chapter 4 includes level design. Chapter 5 is about creating sound effects. Chapter 6 gives some direction to readers about how to improve themselves.

This book is a great resource for game designers. The content is explained in a very detailed way. It provides explanatory screen shots to illustrate the steps. The language is very simple. It is an easy-to-read book with big fonts and illustrative pictures. It covers the required knowledge for beginners in the game design field.

Reviewer:  Gulustan Dogan Review #: CR146862 (2006-0132)

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