Computing Reviews

Software project estimation :intelligent forecasting, project control, and client relationship management
Dimitrov D., Apress,New York, NY,2020. 136 pp.Type:Book
Date Reviewed: 01/27/20

As a young computer science undergraduate, I learned that methodologies were being developed for software projects that would ensure success through the application of rigorous engineering practices. Forty years later, much work has been done on improving software project management methodologies; however, the failure of software projects to meet expectations remains a fertile topic for discussion by executive management (and comedians). Rather than discussing methodologies for project delivery, Dimitrov approaches the issue from a different perspective and looks at the processes for arriving at initial estimates and forecasts that project delivery is measured against.

The introduction and chapter 0 provide background to Dimitrov’s assertion that project estimation and forecasting are the weak links in the chain. He explains what these two words mean in the context of projects, and defines terms frequently used in software project development. He also explains the differences between the needs of software development projects and more traditional waterfall methods used in manufacturing and construction, where projects are broken down into a sequence of phases, with each phase dependent on the deliverables of earlier phases. Importantly, he explains the benefits of a positive and confident working relationship among project team members.

Chapter 1 considers what is perhaps the most important factor of any software development project: the people who form the development team. Dimitrov details the typical roles of the individuals involved, as well as the problems that may arise in managing the desires and aspirations of these people. Software development projects are inherently complicated. In fact, Partridge believes that this very complexity is the main reason for their regular failure [1]. Chapter 2 discusses minimizing complexity and a well-known acronym, KISS (keep it simple, stupid), highlighting the need for just the right level of detail in any software project estimate, forecast, or plan. Chapter 3 discusses the use of statistics and probabilities in forecasting, decision-making, and control within a project, explaining the basic concepts and the need for accurate inputs to the decision-making processes.

Chapter 4, the longest chapter, covers the basic steps in determining the size, scope, and effort needed to arrive at an initial forecast for the project, as well as some simple tools to measure, track, and identify trends in project progress. Dimitrov distills his experience in forecasting and estimating, providing useful advice and tools for project forecasting.

Chapter 5 discusses the importance of communicating, maintaining awareness, and reducing uncertainty within a project team, as well as tracking performance, making adjustments, and managing project boundaries. The last chapter covers concepts and tools for managing financial performance and risk in a software project.

Each chapter concludes with a summary. The appendices define common project management concepts and provide sample spreadsheets and charts, and there is a good bibliography. Many books describing project methodologies claim to ensure success in meeting project goals. Dimitrov’s approach, on the other hand, is to guide readers in more accurate forecasting and estimation in order to achieve those goals. The book is very readable, providing advice from Dimitrov’s significant real-world experience, as well as practical tools for effective project forecasting and control. If you are a project manager wanting to keep your project (and job) on track, this book is for you.


Partridge, D. The seductive computer: why IT systems always fail. Springer, New York, NY, 2011.

Reviewer:  David B. Henderson Review #: CR146854 (2006-0130)

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