The subject of the book is global warming and its impact on human life. Kogan analyzes various technical aspects of this subject, and readers interested in various data analysis reports will find the book very useful. The book also serves as a survey with its many references. Time series analysis of various related parameters is explained. The book provides ample case studies for data science learners.
The first chapter presents what the book is about. Table 1.4 gives a list of global land environmental and socioeconomic challenges and problems. The chapter observes a correlation between global warming and the remote sensing data of the land. Figure 1.2 shows the rise in annual temperature anomaly (TA) from 1850 through 2020. A TA increase of 1.5 degrees celsius is shown. Also shown is the increase in land TA as twice the global (land and ocean) TA increase.
The second chapter presents global warming with respect to earth’s systems; land/ocean, continents, hemispheres, and ecosystems are described. The chapter describes the impact of global warming with respect to climate change. Chapter 7 presents a similar analysis for land cover changes. Chapter 3 is devoted to global warming reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The chapter observes IPCC warnings related to desertification, land deregulation, and food security. It ends by giving a critical evaluation of IPCC reports.
Chapter 4 is on vegetation monitoring using National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) environmental satellites. The datasets for vegetation greenness and other parameters are introduced. The popular vegetation index is shown to be the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). The chapter presents analysis results with respect to this index and brightness temperature. Chapter 5 describes a vegetation health method for analysis. The description includes the algorithm, the importance, and validation results.
Chapter 6 discusses causes of climate warming. The carbon dioxide gas increase is shown as a major cause of climate warming. A later part of the chapter describes two newly found causes. Ozone layer depletion is briefly described; Milankovitch cycles are also discussed, which are nothing but multi-year earth orbit changes with respect to the Sun.
Chapter 8 begins by describing crop yield models. Crop yields are analyzed for a large number of countries. Important crops such as rice, wheat, corn, and so on were chosen for analysis. Chapters 9 and 10 present country-wise analysis for malaria, and chapters 11 and 12 look at droughts. There is also a summary chapter at the end.